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What are we learning in Science this year?
Term 1: Physics
Week 1-3: Introduction to Science: Observing, measuring, predicting
Week 4: What are forces?
Week 5-6: Investigating Newtons Laws
Week 7: Gravity & Magnets
Week 8-10: Rube Goldberg Machines
Term 2: Chemistry
Chemistry Skills, atoms and elements, types of mixtures and separating mixtures
Term 3: Earth Science
Seasons & Space, Earth's resources
Term 4: Biology
Classification of living things, introduction to ecosystems
How am I being assessed in Science?
- You will receive an A-E assessment. 'C' is generally the most common mark students get as it means 'at the standard expected'. Most of your assessments will simply say 'at the standard' or 'above the standard' or 'not yet at the standard'. In your reports you will see your A-E mark.
- Formal assignments (about 1-2 assignments per term) and tests (usually only 3-4 tests per year)
- Smaller, informal tasks that you do in class.
- Your verbal communication of ideas and participation in class
- Your practical work: including recording, observations and safety